Total Loss: 1 lb
It's "Get Fit
I decided that since it was so hard to go out to exercise, I'd find something that I could do in my house. I got Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred, but I never made it much past the first phase. I was trying to get up in the morning before work, but I am not a morning person. If you're interested, I have a barely used DVD for sale. ;-) Then, I got the Wii Fitness Coach, but again, it was just hard to get up in the morning to actually do it. I wanted to exercise in the morning when the house is quiet, plus, with four kids, actually getting the TV for a half hour or so to play an exercise DVD is close to impossible.
So, I gave up for a while, but I need to exercise in order to lose weight. It doesn't matter how much I restrict my calorie intake, if I don't exercise to boost my metabolism, I don't lose. I knew that this summer I needed something I could actually stick with. Here's my plan:
Morning: I have the free 7 minute workout app on my phone. I downloaded it during the school year, and it's something I can actually do in the morning. Seven minutes is easy, plus it doesn't require any special equipment or clothes. I try and do it five mornings a week.
Evening: It's summer in Georgia, which means it's hot and humid. That means that you can't go out and exercise at all during the day. I walk at night (around 7 pm). Supper is done and cleaned up, but it's light enough outside. One trip around my neighborhood is about 3/4 of a mile, and I I do two trips. My neighborhood also has some killer hills, so my thighs get quite the workout. Twice around is a 30 minute walk.
Before Bed: 15 pushups and 15 situps (Having four kids has killed my abs, so I need to get in as many situps as I can.)
That's my plan! Free, and easy to do even when school starts back. Hope it encourages you!
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