Thursday, October 31, 2013

Surviving Halloween!

Personally, I think that Halloween (and the day after) should be national holidays, so we don't have to go to school, but since no one's taken my suggestion, I had to figure out how to make it through the day with some very excited second graders.

I decided the best way to do it would be to cut and paste.  This is from Jen Ross's Spidey Literacy Pack.  We've been talking about spiders all week, so I thought making spiders would be a great way to spend our mornings.  We made quite a mess.

But the spiders turned out very cute!!

Pay no attention to the Hispanic Heritage paragraphs that are still up.  We haven't gotten any new writing up this month.

But, I got to go home to these happy trick or treaters!

For some reason, Little Miss doesn't ever want to get her picture taken.  She was supposed to be a farmer girl with freckles.  It didn't work out perfectly.  She did come home with a huge haul of candy.  Guess everyone loves a two year old trick or treating.  

How did you survive today?  And how are you going to handle tomorrow when they're in their sugar induced comas?  :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

My Truth Monday - Creepy!!

It's another My Truth Monday, and I'm linking up with Denise at Sunny Days to share my truth about what creeps me out.  (Perfect for Halloween, don't you think?)

Here's mine!

So, what's your truth about what creeps you out??  Besides Halloween week with little kids, that is.  ;-)

Monday, October 21, 2013

My Truth Monday - Fitness

I'm linking up with Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade for her series on sharing our true feelings about various topics.  Today's is especially relevant to me, because I went jean shopping yesterday.  (Insert groan here.)  I hate shopping for clothes.  Don't get me wrong, I love clothes.  I love looking nice.  I love having a full closet with lots of choices.  But, I hate shopping.  I hate having to search through racks and racks to find the one thing that fits me.  I hate trying on four pairs of pants of various styles and not having anything that fits.  And I REALLY hate being so short.  When I do find something that fits, it's usually about 6 inches too long.  Can I get an "Amen" from the vertically challenged?  I guess everything clothing designer in the world thinks that all women who are petite are also a size 0 with no hips.  Well, I've had four children, so I definitely have some hips.  :-)  So, I decided that it was time to start getting fit again.  I spent today tracking all of my food, AND I got up early enough to exercise!  Trust me, that was quite the sacrifice since there's a two year old who lives at my house who can sometimes be up in the night.  (Like last night.)

So, here's my truth:

My goal is to lose 40 pounds by the end of the year (which will also be my 40th birthday).  Hopefully, by the summer time, I'll feel a lot more fit!

So, what's your truth about fitness??

Sunday, October 20, 2013

So Much To Do!

And so little time!  Isn't that always the story of a teacher's life?  :)  I feel like the last month has flown by, and I haven't been able to get ahead anywhere.  We had conferences, then the end of the grading period, and finally report cards.  Now, it's getting ready for Halloween, then Thanksgiving, and finally Christmas.  Before I can turn around, it'll be the New Year.

So, my goal for the rest of the month is to stay ahead of things, post here regularly, and maybe even get some Thanksgiving activities up on TPT!  (OK, let's not get too crazy.  :) )

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!